Farzana Nayani

Farzana Nayani joins me on the podcast to discuss the release of her book, Being All Of Me. We talk about the structure of the book, that being part storytelling, part instructional resource for parents and teachers to actively engage the thoughts and perspectives of children that view the world and themselves through multiple identities. The book is also wonderfully illustrated by Amanda V. Coronel, and was produced with the Multiracial Americans of Southern California

Farzana is a trusted diversity and inclusion professional. She develops programs to spearhead new, sustainable initiatives that engage the public. Farzana currently serves on the board of Sietar USA (Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research)

During the episode, we touch on the public response to this YouTube video, which shows a BBC interview with Professor Robert Kelly where he was interrupted by the appearance of his children. We would love to hear your thoughts below.

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Using Improv As A Powerful Learning Tool

by Brett Parry on February 7, 2016

Watch our special guests Kristin Hibler and Line Mørkbak present their work on using improvisation in training. It especially has great application potential with global learners, encouraging participation across cultural boundaries.

The Effect Of Stereotypes On How We Think We Are Perceived Across Borders

February 4, 2016

Having worked with many families and individuals preparing to undertake relocation to another country, I have seen certain general profiles emerge that link them. They are generally positive thinkers. The adventure of change is something they like, they embrace new challenges, and possess strong abilities to adapt in different professional and personal situations. So what […]

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012 – Amanda Workman the “Cultural Concierge”

January 7, 2016

Amanda Workman blogs as the Cultural Concierge, sharing her experiences in travel, her own cultural journey and building her business around her nomadic lifestyle.  Also of course, a New Year sees a new direction for the podcast. Cultural Mentor.tv expands the focus to creating personal and business success through cultural awareness and understanding. I would […]

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It’s not about changing who you are, it’s about changing how you see things

January 7, 2016

Most people will admit that there are certain things about ourselves that we would love to change. Perhaps we see it in ourselves, or in fact through the eyes of others and the way our actions and words affect them. However what we would also probably admit is that the reality of such changes is […]

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Beware The (NOT SO) Cleverly Disguised Social Media Support Group

January 3, 2016

I recently was given a stark reminder of how discerning we should all be in what we consume online, especially in social media. This is even more important for those living and working outside of their native country, as we are not always able to verify facts from local sources back home. I had discovered a […]

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Put on a few extra pounds of understanding for the New Year

January 2, 2016

New Year resolution time again. Notice the conflagration of self help courses designed to finally getting your life together, a lot of them focused around health and fitness? There is a reason for it, most of it marketing. It is has long been proven that the the public is ripe for the picking when it […]

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011 – Sietar USA’s Mentoring Program Overview with Karen Haggerty Tremel and Kirsten Rosa

September 22, 2015

                I have shared with listeners before about how important I have found the connections you can make at Sietar USA can be for your learning and development. In this episode I chat with Karen Haggerty Tremel and Kirsten Rosa. Karen has been managing the mentoring program for […]

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010 – Tayo Rockson on Using Your Difference to Make a Difference

September 1, 2015

For this epsidoe we welcome Tayo Rockson He is the CEO and President of UYD Media, a media company that encourages people all over the world to use their difference to make a difference while celebrating diversity and educating others. He is an avid writer whose work can be seen on the Huffington Post, Among […]

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Sietar USA’s 15th Anniversary and Annual Conference

August 22, 2015

2015 marks the 15th anniversary celebrations for Sietar USA. Click on the video to the right to get a preview of the upcoming annual conference being held at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando Florida. It promises to be a special event with lots of great opportunities to connect with like minded people from around […]

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